Posted in Անգլերեն 2020-2021

Where i would like to go on vacation

I want to travel to many countries, but first of all I want to go to Greece, Spain and Turkey in the summer.

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Straddling Europe and Asia, Turkey has been on the list of top 10 countries in the world for years. Istanbul itself has plenty of things to keep occupied – the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Grand Bazaar and a cruise down the Bosphorus. The quirky cave dwellings of Cappadocia and try hot air ballooning over its surreal landscape.

Despite fiscal problems, Greece remains one of the top 10 countries to visit. Every ancient Greek is a charm․

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Sunny Spain is a great place for a mid-season vacation in Europe. The cities of Barcelona and Madrid are, of course, mandatory. Visiting the Alhambra Castle in Granda, Andalusia. Attend a flamenco class or learn how to cook real Spanish cuisine.

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And in the winter I really want to go to New York. In winter it is just wonderful ․․․ dream․

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Posted in Անգլերեն 2020-2021

Male and Female Roles

 «Բանավեճը որպես ուսուցման մեթոդ» – թեման՝ “Male and Female Roles”

Gender roles can be defined as the behaviors, values, and attitudes that a society considers appropriate for both male and female. Traditionally, men and women had completely opposing roles, men were seen as the provider for the family and women were seen as the caretakers of both the home and the family.

Gender roles in society means how we’re expected to act, speak, dress, groom… For example, girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and nurturing. Men are generally expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold.

Gender roles influence a wide range of human behavior, often including the clothing a person chooses, the profession a person pursues, and the personal relationships a person enters.

I have always tried to convince everyone that boys and girls are equal, but sometimes more moments will tell the truth.

Posted in Անգլերեն 2020-2021


«Կարդում ենք անգլիական դասական արձակ» –“The Old Man at the Bridge” by Ernest Hemingway:

The story ‘Old Man at the Bridge’ is related through a conversation between a soldier and an old man who had to leave his home town during the Spanish Civil War. During the war there was panic and anxiety all around. Everyone was aware of the impending death. An old man with spectacles who had walked 12 kilometres from his hometown sat exhausted by the side of a road near a pontoon bridge that crossed a river. Carts, trucks and men, women and children were crossing the bridge. Peasants, refugees and Republican soldiers laden with munitions and supplies fled the advancing Fascist army. The narrator, who said that his mission was to cross the bridge and find out how far the enemy had advanced, did so. He saw the old man sitting beside the bridge when he crossed toward the enemy. He found him still sitting there when he crossed back. He began talking to the old man and came to know that his hometown was San Carlos. He was the last person to leave the town, as he was anxious about his animals.

Posted in Հավաք, Անգլերեն 2020-2021

English review

At the beginning of the սցհօօլ year, I chose English as one of the advanced subjects. From September to December, we did the “Teenagers” project, which included various topics related to teens that we thought we should write ․ Topics are <<Teenagres and their problems>> , <<The scout movement>>, <<Teenagers and money (pocket money)>> , << A better town for teenagers>> , <<Teenagers and charity>> and this is not the above and I am still continuing the other topics of the project.

During this time we also carried out the “Armenian national cuisine” project, during which we studied various Armenian dishes. As for homework, they are all kept in my ward, we check them during each lesson.

Posted in Անգլերեն 2020-2021

Teenagers and charity

Donating to charity is a major mood-booster. It may be making a card for someone, helping a neighbor or cleaning up a shared space in the home. As kids get older and get money as a gift or an allowance and that money they can be set aside to help those in need. When the childeren do charity theyir perents can say just that the attribute it to their character, they can just say that they are a kind and caring person instead of saying it was a kind and caring thing they did.

Posted in Անգլերեն 2020-2021

A better town for teenagers

The teenagers want to be free and don’t be supervised by someone, they want to go out when they want and where they want, they want to be only with their friends, they dress with crazy and neon colors clothes and they fight when you say “no” when they want to go out. In teenagers dream town must be better places to spend their free time they  must meet in beautiful and clean places . There must be places for riding bicycles ,skateboards and etc. And this is the better town for teenagers.

Posted in Անգլերեն 2020-2021

Teenagers and money (pocket money)

Teenagers demand double pocket money during holidays

As child gets older, it’s a good idea to give them more control and responsibility over their own money and how they spend it. Some people think that young people become more serious and sensible getting the pocket money. Others claim that teenagers can not deal with money and spend it unwisely and believe that they always buy useless things. Pocket money sometimes is very useful for teenagers. I think that pocket money helps children to learn how to plan their budget. Teenagers always want to spend their money on many things, but the amount of money is limited. Furthermore, young people begin to understand the value of money. It helps them to realize what kind of job to choose in future to earn enough money for everything they want to get.

Posted in Անգլերեն 2020-2021

Armenian national cuisine

 Armenian national cuisine is very delicious. Armenian cuisine reveals the geography and history of the country, as well as animals and crops grown on its territory. Important to mention that Armenian food and cuisine is entirely clean and organic. Moreover, both meat lovers and vegetarians will discover their favorite Armenian national food.
Here are some top traditional dishes in Armenia that you would not like to miss.

Armenian Food: Ultimate Guide to Armenian Cuisine, Recipes and Dishes

You might say all nations have a barbecue in their cuisine, but khorovats is something different and unique. Meat for Khorovats can be of your choice and preference; beef, pork or chicken. Khorovats is not just a dish for Armenians; making process is a kind of separate ritual. As a side dish roasted vegetables like eggplants, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes are also prepared. Ready meat is served with lavash (soft, thin flatbread cooked in tonir) and special tomato sauce with herbs and onions.

Fruit Lavash
T'tu Lavash - Gastro Obscura

The lavash (sour lavash) or fruit lavash resembles lavash bread but made with different varieties of fruit cream; apricot, plum, cherries, apples, pomegranate, etc. 


Top 5 “must-taste” dishes in Armenia

The sweet bread gata made with sugar and nuts inside. You can try the best gatas when visiting villages of Garni and Geghard. You can enjoy your gata with some coffee or tea.



Another important dish from Traditional food in Armenia is Khash. Making and eating khash is also a kind of Armenian tradition, not just a dish. Armenians usually gather with friends and relatives early in the morning to eat khash.The dish is made from a boiled sheep’s or cow’s parts that include the feet and/or head. Some use the other parts of the cow, like tripe and brain, in the recipe.


Harissa is a very delicious dish usually made with chicken. Like Khash and Khorovats making harissa requires some amount of time and patience. It’s well-cooked chicken without bones, made with wheat and butter.

Долма из баранины в мультиварке - рецепт с фото пошагово

This dish is often made from meat, but you can also find a vegetarian option as well. Minced meat mixed with rice and a variety of herbs and spices is wrapped in fresh grape leaves.

Хапама — Википедия

Often prepared around Christmastime, ghapama is a stuffed pumpkin dish. The guts of the pumpkin are removed, and then it is stuffed with boiled rice and dried fruits like apple, apricot, dates, plums, and raisins together with nuts. The pumpkin is baked until it softens.


Армянский суп "Спас" - пошаговый рецепт с фото на Повар.ру

Spas or tanapur is a delicious Armenian soup, which is prepared with matsoon (fermented milk product similar to yogurt), egg, wheat, and herbs (parsley or mint). You should try this light, a little sour but tasty soup one in Armenia.


Бастурма из говядины: 7 отличных рецептов |

Basturma is an air-dried, highly seasoned smoked beef. The preparation method calls for letting the salted meat dry for up to 15 days. Afterward, the meat is covered with a paste that is a blend of different spices including cumin, garlic, hot paprika, and pepper.

Posted in Անգլերեն 2020-2021

The scout movement

The World Organization of the Scout Movement is shocked by the terrorist  attacks that took place in Paris this evening. This is against all that  Scouting and humanity believe in and stand

Scouting began in 1907 and was founded by Robert Baden-Powell, a lieutenant-general in the British Army, serving from 1876 until 1902 in India and Africa.

The Scout Movement is a voluntary non-political educational movement for young people open to all. The purpose of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.